Friday, June 16, 2017

What has happened to Decency?

What is decency, anyway?  Here is what the dictionary says according to Google.

Decency | Define Decency at

conformity to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc. 3. decencies. the recognized standards of decent or proper behavior; proprieties: The least you can expect from them is some respect for the decencies.

I am quite certain that common decency has literally gone out the window with the present generation.  I am of the old school and feeling older every day.  I am deeply saddened as I watch what is happening to the moral code of our nation.  What used to be good and true is now espoused to be racist and politically incorrect speech.  There is a rush to remove God and history from our cities, our churches and our schools. Academia, Media and the Left have been controlling the minds of our kids, as well as the airwaves. Many good people sit quietly by, knowing that something isn't quite right....but would not suspect that an insidious evil is quietly taking over our very foundation.  The foundation of a nation based on God, honor, moral integrity and truth.

 A lie is portrayed as truth, and truth is not even talked about.  Because most of us are DECENT people; we don't want to make waves so we take it.  We sit back and hope it will all go away.  "The Lord is coming we might as well just sit back and suck it up until he gets here."  "I am a peaceful person and do not believe in arguing or discussing politics or religion."  Have you ever had one of those thoughts?  I have.  That is fine; but the INFLUENCERS are using politics and religion to control our nation.  God is on the throne.  But don't forget; God was on the throne when Hitler took control.  Many people passively sat by and let that one happen. 

God forbid we speak with incorrect political motives.  Oh dear!  We had better just keep our mouths shut until this all blows over.  When it blows over.  IF it blows over.  To understand all of this a little better; I think we need to understand what is motivating our mainstream media and the powers behind the scenes who push their agendas forward with all the strength they can muster.  

In doing research to figure out why things are so messed up; I have found the following:

The New World Order.  What is it?  President Bush Senior was anxious to see it happen. It didn't sound good to me then.  Now I know there was a good reason my hackles were raised when he said it!  The New World Order is composed of global elitists who want to crash the borders of every nation and make this a one-world government.  Guess who will be in charge when that happens?  The Global Elitists.  The people (us) will be existing for their pleasure and they will control the actions and words of the people.

Who are the Global Elitists?  From what I can find out.....the Rockefellers, members of the Trilateral Commission, The Council of Foreign Relations are the spearhead organizations for global control.  The Rothschilds are part of the Illuminati made up of Globalists and have a huge influence over the power brokers of the world as well as the media and Hollywood.

What is the Illuminati and how does it affect the rest of us?  The Illuminati is made up of mostly high ranking Masons and Satanists.  They live in the dark corners of their mansions and go about their satanic rituals mostly out of the public eye on a daily basis.  They have an agenda.  It is for EVIL, not for good.  They are trying to bring down our president because he has put a glitch in their plan for global dominance.  They have signs for each other.  Once you are savvy to these signs; they are hard to miss!  They throw up hand signals, use certain colors and many other things.  Normal people like us can't even begin to imagine (nor do we want to) the evil deeds they plan and perpetrate.  They need to please Satan.  That is who they serve.  So; how do they bring us down?

They brainwash the people.  They inflict fear through world events.  They control your thinking through gradual change.  i.e., transgendered people.  Abortion and partial birth abortion.  Population control.  Pedophila is HUGE.  They don't just commit sexual acts with children; they sacrifice them and eat them.  I know, I know!!  This is sick stuff and the normal mind can't really comprehend it!  I, myself wouldn't listen to any of it a year ago.  I believed it was all conspiracy theory and just made up stuff by crazy people.  

Then....along came Wikileaks!  Scandal after scandal from the Obama Administration and shenanigans by Hillary.  Most of us with any discernment who had staked our flag on the side of righteousness had the discernment to figure out who was true and what was false.  There are some really good liars in politics.  Enter Trump.  He is not a politician!  He is a successful business man, standing alone, who owes a debt of gratitude to this great nation.  He spent his own money for his campaign.  He has the energy of a much younger man and I believe his energy is God given for such a time as this.

I have talked about the Mark Taylor prophesies in a past post.  Kim Clement was another prophet who foretold of the Trump presidency.  These prophecies have come to pass, so I have no problem sharing them here.  God said in His Word that he would raise up prophets and dreamers in the last days.

Here are some words to Google if you would like to research more for yourself:

MK Mind Control
Hollywood Illuminati
John Podesta and Pizzagate
Pedophilia in Hollywood
The New Word Order and the Illuminati
Larry Nichols documentary on his life with the Clintons in the Arkansas days
Spirit Cooking with Lady Gaga
Spirit Cooking with John Podesta
Bohemian Grove
Skull and Bones, the Bush Family 

These searches should keep you busy.  It has taken me months to research and it can go on and on for months.  The trick is to balance the research with a lot of prayer and seeking after the Lord and his protection.  It is important to me to be armed with the truth and then go forward in faith; knowing that God has it under control so I can do my part.

We must stand strong and continue to pray for this nation. Pray for justice and restoration.

These days of redemption are not for us to play; they are for the body of Christ to go forward and spread the gospel to all people before the end shall come.

Thank you for coming along as I search for the truth and attempt to reveal what I find.  I welcome comments, questions and discourse.  May the Lord Bless you and keep you in His constant care as we occupy until His return!

Martha Louise.  :-)

PS.  Let's pray for all of these spirit cookers and evil people.  I don't feel like it most of the time; but God tells us to pray for them anyway!  Peace!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Oh, the media, the media!

When will they stop?  Day and night we are subjected to Trump bashing and the demeaning of conservative values by the lefties in the media.  

Since the day that President Trump took office, there have been a barrage of attacks by the mainstream media; by Hollywood talk show hosts and by just about any other lefty who has a voice!  I don't know about you; but I have about one nerve left and one particular celebrity just got on it!  I can't even express my disgust at the things being said by these global elitists.

There must be a fraternity of sorts, right?  There has to be a leader that they all fall in line behind.  Who are they trying to impress? Why is it so crucial to their existence to keep up the  endless bashing and anti-Trump banter?  The conspiracy theories that involve the Russians...impeach, impeach!  Dear Lord; I really don't know if I can take another day of these people.  Rachel, Steven, Jimmy, Maxine, Nancy, Al, on, and on, and on I could go. Antifa, women protestors who wear a vagina costume on their heads, George Soros and his MANY organizations that he funds (that sound like they are relevant and good for the name only).  These people love the word "progress".  What are we progressing toward?  What was so bad from whence we came that we have to keep progressing forward? To what end?  A cliff?

In my view and humble opinion; we hit our zenith years ago.  We landed man on the moon, we had an uber amount of national pride, we all loved baseball, hotdogs, mom and apple pie.  We could ride our bikes without helmets as long as we were home before dark....we could walk to our friend's house, play outside and ride in a car without a seatbelt.  I filled up the tank on my first car for five bucks!  We respected our fact; we didn't even see them as being fully human.  We respected our flag.  There were always bullies; but I don't remember anyone being a real hater toward people who were different in some way unless they truly were a hater from the time they woke up in the morning.  We lived by a moral code and the premise that there was good and evil.  Good and evil as described in the Word of God; the Holy Bible.  Our nation was founded on the principals written therein, and even if a person wasn't necessarily a Christian; it was agreed that those rules were pretty good ones to live by.  Honor and love your neighbor as you would love yourself.  Thou shalt not kill.  Pretty basic stuff, right??  Sadly, the lines between good and evil have become very gray.  If it feels good, do it... has become the mantra. As long as you agree with what the left has to say; you are an OK person.  If you disagree; you are a bigot, a racist, a misogynist (I had to look that one up!), a hater, a freak and any other name they can think of calling you.  

We had a great respect for our national leaders.  We hung onto every word of our newscasters.  They were our lifeline to what was happening in the rest of the world, and we believed every word of every story!  I remember watching the movie..2001 Space Odyssey in the 60's and believed that we would be flying around in space by then!  Look at us now!  2017 and we are putzing around in smart cars!  Progress, indeed!  

Our police officers have been gunned down in the street by criminals and somehow it wasn't politically correct to call the perpetrator a criminal.  People have been killed under suspicious circumstances and these cases have not been fully investigated. Who is the power at the top that controls our law enforcement? What has them scared?  Are they bought and paid for?  Are they being blackmailed?  What in the world has happened to turn things upside down?  Why do we have Fema camps all over our country ready to enact martial law?  Is it true that the Obama administration had a plan laid out in the event they were going to take force?  There has been a lot of fishy stuff going on over the past couple of years.  It never felt right to me and still doesn't. Though...the longer Trump is in office and the "wrecking ball" is draining the swamp; I am starting to breathe deeper again and feel that these worrisome things are off in the distance for the time being. 

Anyway...let's talk about some of the hot topics.  I suppose these are at least some of the things we have accomplished to make us more "progressive".

For many years now; Planned Parenthood has methodically gone about aborting babies.  It became legal and permissible to take a baby's life as long as it was NOT outside of the birth canal when it was killed.  A fully developed baby could be stabbed and killed and then pulled out of the mother's body and it was still legal.  It makes me cry to type this. investigative group went undercover and found out about how they sold body parts on the black market.  Guess who was in trouble for this?  The undercover reporters!  Oh, my!  How funny is that?!   No COMMON SENSE!  According to Hillary...a baby is not a human until it is born alive!  Yes!  She really said that!

For many years; there has been an agenda pushed forward by the gay community.  A lot of us might remember back when a young man was found dead, murdered and tied to a fence.  He was gay and it was assumed that he was killed for being gay.  This started the movement toward making crimes of this type "hate" and "special" crimes.  It takes a person filled with hate to kill someone.  A person who kills another person is a CRIMINAL...and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  Because a person is gay....should not give him special status.  He has the same freedoms afforded to everyone else.  And that is l the further I will go with that.  On the other hand...if a conservative person doesn't agree with their "lifestyle"; that person can have their entire livelihood stripped away and possibly be prosecuted. we start with the name calling.  Gay basher, Hater, etc. Totally false.  Because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I hate you.  In fact; it feels a lot more like you are the one hating on me...because I don't agree with YOU.  Right?  Who has rights here? Who doesn't have rights here?  Who is willing to apply some common sense?  Why does it seem like no one has common sense anymore??  Not to mention loving the people who might not agree with you.....just like you expect them to love you no matter what you do.

This is all just food for thought.  I have always liked to debate if something doesn't seem right to me.  It is difficult to find people who like to search out facts to prove or disprove a point.  I guess there is a fear of confrontation or giving too much talk to religion and/or politics.  Both are INFLUENCERS.  People are being influenced.  It seems to me that many are going with the flow and not really searching out truths for themselves.  If I get a knee-jerk reaction to something; I will search out answers until I am satisfied I have found them.  

This covers everything I have to say for tonight.  Most of this is rambling; but it helps me to get thoughts written down. This is therapy for me and I believe there are many people out there who feel the same way and like to know they are not alone.  Thank you for reading to the end.....if you did......and I welcome comments and discourse.  All with respect to each other's feelings.

Pray for:

Our Nation
Our President
Our children
Our citizens
The truly displaced
Those who are hurting
For the return of National pride and connection

I believe God is answering the requests that have been made over the this scripture he gave:  I personally started claiming this one in the 1970's:

2 Chronicles:  7:14
"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray; seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land."

I believe God is healing our land.

May the Lord bless us and keep us in His constant care!
