These are crazy times that we live in. Who is telling the truth? Who are the good guys? Who should we support? Why are things so different than they used to be? Who is really in charge?? I have struggled with these questions for months now. I am a truth seeker and I have gone on a mission to discover what is true. I trust my intuition and discernment as it comes from the Holy Spirit. After months of angst; I decided to start writing down my thoughts, observations and beliefs. A year ago I would have thought I sounded like a conspiracy theorist (too). That was a year ago. My eyes have been opened. Writing is therapy for me and if you are a Truth Seeker like I am; you might find there is some interesting content here. I shoot from the heart.

There is a lot of fakery out on the airwaves these days.
Debauchery, lies, relentless hatred toward our president from the people
who lost....the people who thought they had obtained total world power and
dominance over the little man, the working man, the average American family.
These people have formed a deep state; a shadow government from which
they still pull strings of the minions who have allegiance to them so they can
keep their power.
These evil doers are all connected. The media is connected
to players in the world banking system and they are all in cahoots. When
President Bush Sr. first used the term, "The New World Order", alarm
bells started ringing in my head. Why do we need a NEW WORLD ORDER when
we are already living in the greatest country on the face of the earth?
We have freedom, wealth, faith, love of country, etc. Why would we
want to change that to become like the rest of the world? We left all of
that to have our freedom in the land of opportunity, right?
When the 8 year term was FINALLY up for Obama; there were quite a
few Republicans running for president and only a couple of
Democrats/Socialists. I have never adhered to a party, but rather to the
code by which they stand. I would be voting for the code that related most
closely to the laws laid out in the Bible and the Ten Commandments. I
believe in freedom of speech; earning a living, having opportunity without
government becoming so large that they control everything. During Obama’s
presidency; it was easy to see that they were taking more and more control over
the people as they chipped away at traditional Christianity in this great
country. They systematically took God out of everything....monuments, the
armed forces, government, etc. This made me wonder what was going on.
Though Obama claimed to be a Christian; my discernment told me otherwise.
He did not show any fruits of a true Christian. In fact, he did
things that made me wonder at his claim over and over!
As things were heating up between the Republicans who were vying
for the presidency; there were several out of the bunch that I might have voted
for. I loved Ben Carson and already knew his testimony and he lived it
out in his life. It’s the same with Mike Huckaby. Many Christians
were leaning toward Ted Cruz because his father was a preacher and he claimed
to be a Christian. As politics played out between the players; I started
wondering about Mr. Cruz. Donald Trump was such a wild card; many people
couldn't imagine him as our president. He didn't have a political
background so to speak; but had rubbed elbows with the elite of the world as
well as our politicians. He was known to be a bit of a narcissist and had
an ego the size of Texas. I had never cared for Donald Trump as I didn't
like the television program and didn't approve of his divorce from his first
wife when he married Marla Maples. But, I digress.
As the numbers started to be counted and Donald Trump was coming
up in the polls; his running mates started getting a little nervous. They
demanded that he sign a document promising that he would NOT branch off into a
third party. He signed the document in good faith. As it turned
out; once he was ahead of everyone else; they started demonizing him and tried
to get him out. Cruz was the worst about criticizing Trump and
pontificated about how he should get the nomination day and night. He
refused to get behind Donald Trump as the candidate. These were the
actions that helped me to make up my mind. It was then and there that I
decided that Trump was my candidate! From what I could see; he was the
only one who cared more about this country and really only had things to
lose...rather than gain. He already had wealth and power and really
didn't need to be president. It was becoming plain to see that we needed
him if we were ever going to get this country back to it's shining glory!
As all of this is unfolding.....the republicans AND the democrats
against Trump; I began putting my ear to the internet and doing some research
of my own. I started listening to what other Christians were saying;
especially high profile Christian leaders who had earned my respect over the
years. The first was Franklin Graham. He traveled to every capitol
in the country, but did not name a candidate. He simply stated that we
needed to pray for the country and get behind the candidate that stood for God
and His mandates. I believe as time went on; he determined in his own
heart, as many of us did, that Donald Trump was the real deal and most likely
the best hope for our nation. Donald Trump had given his ear to many of
the Christian leaders and Mike Pence told him that he would be his running mate
"if" he would counsel with James Robison, who has been an evangelist
and pastor for many years. Donald Trump followed through with the counsel
and had many Christian leaders praying over him during this time. It is
said that Pastor Paula White lead him in the "sinners prayer" and
that Donald Trump prayed to receive the Lord. He had been raised in the
protestant faith and had a mother who took them to church. He still had
the Bible from his youth. Only God knows his heart; but, look at his fruits.
As time went on; there were attacks almost every day from the
media and people who wanted to make sure that the Trump presidency would NEVER
happen. There were some embarrassing moments for Trump; but nothing in
the last 10 years of his life that could be brought forward with any
credibility. He has been attacked every single day by the mainstream
media. They have made unfounded accusations against him and Obama has formed
his shadow government along with George Soros in attempts to discredit,
impeach, I believe even kill Donald Trump if they could. You see....the
Elitists from the New World Order had almost accomplished their goal.
They were one election away from American falling. That person was
Hillary Clinton. I can't even name the laundry list of accusations
against the Clintons. They have been a crime family since the beginning
and I believe they were groomed to take their place in the New World Order as
minions of the bigger collective; Sorros, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, etc.
To go back a ways........during the months leading up to the
actual election; when Trump was the candidate; I happened upon a Christian
broadcast that was telling about a retired firefighter who had given a
prophecy about Trump in 2011. I heard and read the prophecy which told
about how Donald Trump would become the 45th president and he was God's chosen.
I am always listening for God's voice and I was certain that I heard his
voice in this prophecy. I determined that I would bury the words in my
heart and ride it out until election to find out if this was a true prophet of
God. Everything sounded good....but it all had to come to pass.
There were many times that I had great fear that Hillary would end up in
the White House and the Clinton's would be moving back in. Knowing what I
do about them; it was a horrible thought and I could barely stand to think of
it. I continued referring to the Mark Taylor prophecy and drawing
comfort; all the while praying that it was really true.
HALLELUIAH! The prophecy came to pass! Given in 2011,
it came to pass in 2016. Donald Trump was elected president against all
odds. Because God had ordained it! Because God had a plan! The
prophecy told that Trump has been placed in the presidency to protect
Christians so that they will not be persecuted by our government as they go out
to bring in the final harvest of the Lord. One day is as a thousand
years...and a thousand years as a day in the Lord's time table. The signs
show that we are living in the last days; but it would seem that God is giving
us a reprieve for His own purposes. To be his army and go forth in faith;
bringing the lost into the eternal kingdom. Telling them about Jesus and
his love. Many seeds had been planted from this nation; but they hadn't
yet been harvested!
The prophecy told that there would be 4 to 5 months of "hot
spots" after Trump became president. There have been riots,
unrelenting lies in the media and a crazed attempt to have him impeached by the
left. The shadow government; the deep state; are using their minions to
attempt to take Trump down at any cost. We are having to endure this
craziness on a daily basis. There is no fair play about who the
straight-up winner is. Obama was president for 8 years and we that didn't
vote for him were "gentlemen". We lived by the code of freedom
in this nation and allowed him to do his job. Even though; it was clear
to many of us that there were very evil things that were going on that we had
no control over. The left was in control and they were having a hay day!
This is where we are now....but in the interim, I have been doing some
research online to follow a few of the rabbit trails that have come out through
Wikileaks and people who have been in the know all along that have come
There were several things that came out in the Wikileaks that were
incredibly evil. Not everyone has been paying attention and they even
refuse to investigate for themselves what has been happening. Some,
because they would rather bury their heads in the sand; some because they don't
like Trump and are only tolerating him because they still listen to the media;
and even Christians who should have discernment over these things have turned a
blind eye because they don't like Trump. I will list a few of the things
I have found out....and can easily be researched. This took me a period
of months and as I would follow a lead and look into it, I found myself feeling
sicker and sicker at what I found out. I had to find out the truth at
whatever cost. I believe that we should seek out the truth....throw up;
and then get on with having the armor of truth as we move forward. At
least know who the characters are and who you should stand behind.
Because...if you don't; you may well be standing behind a very evil
person because you have been blinded by the enemy. The Lord said that in
the last days love would grow cold and people would turn against each other.
That the faith of many would grow cold. There would be many false
Christs and religions. We are seeing a one world religion form in front
of our eyes. They have a very famous leader by the name of Oprah Winfrey
who has taken over the hearts and minds of many. She teaches that ALL
ways lead to God and that it is nonsense to believe that there is only one way
through Jesus Christ. In many photos she is seen throwing up the signs of
the high masons and satanists with the pyramid; baphomet, and 6 sign. If you
don't believe it....look it up and do your research. Things are not
always as they seem....and we, the American people have been sleeping!
This is only one example of how we have been deceived. Even I think
it sounds crazy...but search it out.
Wikileaks exposed a lot of people in the democratic party.
The most heinous of all; IMO, was what has come to be called
"Pizzagate". A pedophile ring has been exposed involving John
Podesta and his brother Tony. They are also tied to a high profile witch
in the Satanist church who is billed as a "performance artist"
They do blood rituals and many celebrities are tied into this elitist
group of satan worshippers. Again; there is much information with
photographic proof online. Adele, Lady Gaga, Beyonce and JayZ are very
ingrained in this group. If you recall, Hillary used them to help promote
her rallies and get people there. It isn't difficult to find information
on these celebrities and their occultic practices. It is told that there
are horrible things that go on in some Hollywood mansions. Their religion
requires sacrifices....and some of them are blood sacrifices. It is the
stuff of horror novels; so research with this in mind. A lot of it is
hard to take in.
Once a person connects the dots; it is easy to see the big
picture. Powerful politicians; elite world bankers; celebrities (ever
wonder why the presidents are so connected to celebrities and Hollywood?),
power comes with a price and most of these famous people are forced to pay that
price through rituals, etc.
After you take some time to do some research; you should at least
have your eyes opened to what is really going on. If you approve; then
keep on doing what you are doing. In my opinion; you would have chosen
the side of evil.
Google searches, videos, documentaries
Google searches, videos, documentaries
Spirit Cooking – photos
Google this…..look it up. Wikileaks: John
Podesta, Spirit Cooking, Marina Abramovic, Lady Gaga, etc.
Suspicious murders: All people who were getting too close to
the Clintons. Most recent: Trey Gowdy's special investigators sent
to investigate at the Clinton Library. They both turned up dead...had been
tortured, beaten and killed. True story. THEN; Google Larry
Nichols. He has been telling on the Clintons for years. Not too
many people are listening. But....they should!
Once you throw up and rinse your eyes is the really
good news! The Mark Taylor prophecies!
So much has come true! Christians have the hope of eternal
glory...but there is also still hope right now; here on earth. God is
holding back the evil.....Trump is his wrecking ball. Who else could have
endured everything that Trump has since before and after taking office? I
believe it is supernatural strength that has kept him going. Now, we need
to do OUR part! Pray, take ground and stand up for our Lord Jesus Christ.
People need to be saved and now is the hour. Know that President
Trump is there because it was ordained by almighty God that he would
be in power at this time in history. Jezebel was defeated.
King Ahab is defeated and sickly. God is on the throne. Take
up your weapons of warfare Christians! Don't give up ground!
Mark Taylor’s website
Pray for:
President Trump; wisdom, protection
Our nation
Our leaders
Spreading the gospel throughout the world
Combating evil
Justice for the people
Yes, I am a Bible believing Christian. According to John 3:16, I have asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and forgive my sins. I made this incredibly great choice over 40 years ago. There is not a day that I have been sorry. I am a Protestant, but adhere to no particular denomination. I belong to the body of Christ....all people who have accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ who was the propitiation for our sins. I believe a truly searching heart will find Him. Ask Him if he is real with an open heart and he will reveal himself.
Yes, I am a Bible believing Christian. According to John 3:16, I have asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and forgive my sins. I made this incredibly great choice over 40 years ago. There is not a day that I have been sorry. I am a Protestant, but adhere to no particular denomination. I belong to the body of Christ....all people who have accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ who was the propitiation for our sins. I believe a truly searching heart will find Him. Ask Him if he is real with an open heart and he will reveal himself.
Very well thought out post. So much evidence has recently shown decades of "conspiracy theories" as being based on truth. As more and more comes out, many of us will be sickened even more. We just keep our eyes on the prize! Jesus is our Saviour and Messiah, and He already knows the truth. WE have been given a great gift - the Last Trumpet we were promised. The only way Donald Trump could have been elected is with God holding the reins. There were too many evil plots afoot to steal the election for Hillary. We the populace may never know the extent of evil amassed against Mr. Trump. Even now, 6 months after the election, there are thousands, if not millions, who refuse to accept President Trump as the legitimate winner of said election. Evil got Trumped - by God - and they without a close personal relationship with Jesus may never understand what happened. They will walk to the rim of the lake of burning brimstone still angry at made up phantoms.
ReplyDeleteThank you Linda. You have it absolutely right. The chain of evil was deeper than we could have even imagined. I mean; who could have imagined the depravity of their activities? I know I (we) sound like the conspiracy theorists....who have been mocked. In fact, I was probably one of the people doing the mocking until I have researched for myself. There is so much more with the MK Ultra and shadow government that has been working behind the scenes. I can't wait until they are all exposed...and are brought to justice. All of the wrongs may not be righted in this lifetime; but I am hoping we get to see some of it in the courts!