I am a conservative. I am a conservative, but not as the media portrays one to be. Having never called myself a Republican or a Democrat; I base my vote on the agenda of the candidate. I judge the candidate by the moral platform on which he/she stands. The moral platform must align with the Word of God and upon the code this nation was founded on. The Freedom to worship the God of the Bible and the mandates of the Christian faith. Do most people even know what those are anymore?
Under those mandates; people still have the freedom to choose how they will live. They have the freedom to choose where to work, who to love, what to eat, where to be educated, where to live; etc. There has always been the freedom in this nation to speak out and be free to express one's opinions. That is; until the so-called Democrats came into power and started changing all of that.
Freedom of speech is now being free to express your opinion as long as it agrees with the "democrats". The days of John F. Kennedy are long gone and have been replaced by a platform calling themselves democrats who are actually socialists, communists and globalists.
The democratic party has been transformed. In the name of progress; they are taking us back to the very foundation from which we fled. Government control, reigning hierarchy, population control, controlled speech, equality of all men. Not the kind of equality that God meant for us to have....but equality to the lower denominator of the human condition. No one will be rich. Everyone will be the same. Serfs tending the land for the hierarchy and the global elite.
They have an agenda. It is not about being free; it is about putting into place a government body who has total control over the people in the land. Only....it is in the NAME of freedom; nothing to do about freedom itself. They are just wily enough to convince the masses that we need to be "progressive" and become "one" with the rest of the world. Didn't we escape the rest of the world to become the greatest nation on earth? Under God? With religious freedom to worship God, love our fellow man and live the American Dream?
So; where are we now?
Women's Rights: What are those? I have had the same freedom that anyone else has had for 65 years. There was a patch in there where women didn't make the same amount of money as a man did for the same job. That was basically rectified over time. During that time; women started doing the SAME jobs as men, including serving in the Armed Forces as a warrior fighter alongside the men. Babies were left behind at home with a spouse or other family member in most circumstances. From then until now there has been gender bender going on at epic proportions. How is that?
Gay Rights: Over the years; I have never known a gay person to be thrown in jail for being "gay". Because this is a free and tolerant country; they are free to do as they wish. Who someone sleeps with has never seemed to be of major concern to our citizens. A lifestyle choice is between man and God. Most of us respect these freedoms; even if we personally don't agree.
If someone beats up a person for being gay; it is considered a "hate crime" with special implications. The fact is; if a person beats up and/or kills another person; it is a hate crime. Period. That perpetrator should be thrown in jail! He committed an illegal act. Not to be made worse because he did it to a gay person. There will always be criminals and they will always do things out of hate or a motivation unique to them. If a person commits a crime; they would pay for that crime. We don't need special laws for classes of people.
As Christians; our moral code, which comes from the Bible; speaks for us. My faith does not cause me to demand that someone be arrested because they are gay. On the other hand; if I speak out and disagree with the gay agenda; that makes me a hater who can be arrested or ruined for a "hate crime". I live my life by my moral code; you have the right to live by yours. If the two don't match up; then go do your thing and I will go do mine. Right?? Not the way our nation rolls anymore.......
Now.....being in a special class; that is; being a Christian, offers no special protection. In fact; our freedom of speech is imposed upon simply because we might disagree with another group. Doesn't really make sense; does it? Well, the Bible said that we would be persecuted for our faith. Small price to pay if my eternal soul is in jeopardy without Jesus and His forgiveness. I will take my chances.
Abortion Rights: This is the right to kill a baby before it is born. This bill of goods is sold under the guise of controlling our own bodies. There is nothing about this law as it stands next to the law of the land concerning killing ANYTHING that makes sense. There is no common sense involved. Only selfishness by the expectant mother and the need to control population by the government. In no way should all taxpayers be forced to spend their hard earned tax dollars on killing babies. "Thou shalt not kill!"
Anybody see an oxymoron here? No hate crimes are acceptable...but killing unborn babies is. Killing a baby before it comes out of the birth canal is OK.....but killing one after it comes out can send you to prison for life. Wow. Just wow.
Welfare Rights: A present help in times of trouble. Has been there for people since I was born. Taxpayers allow people needing a hand-up to survive during difficult times. Present day: This system has been abused to the maximum degree. Unwed mothers who have children to sustain a steady income without lifting a finger to work. What happened to women's rights? Illegal immigrants who come in to this country to get free stuff. Now there are illegals coming in who wish us harm. Plenty of them. Whoa!! Before you get all up at arms about what I just said.....think about it. I imagine you can think of many cases of welfare abuse. I am not including EVERYONE here. Just the abusers and there are plenty of them. What is the solution?? In a perfect world; people would help each other and give a hand up if they can. The church is there to help people. Somehow the government took over and now we have a blight on society that has rippling effects.
As I see it; the so-called democrats hate the voices of the truly free. That would be those of us who follow God; not a governing force. Our faith is in the provision of God; not the provision of the government. When the government puts almighty God at the top; we can know that we will be blessed by God. We know that God has our best interests at heart and wants to bless us as we follow and obey him.
The government, under the progressive democrats, wants to be our God. Led by the elite globalists of the world; they are determined to put the United States under a one world government by which they control it all. Man serves himself. They have deceived the masses. They lie, they cheat, they cover-up, they falsely accuse; they will do anything to retain power. This is a spiritual war of epic proportions. Good against evil. Good will win in the end, folks. Our nation; the United States of America, will not survive the tyranny of these people.
Sadly; many people buy into the lies and remain blind to the truth. These people are petting the cute dog, not checking out the underbelly that is full of fleas and ticks. Just petting the soft dog......enjoying the day; while the fleas are jumping out and infesting them. There won't be anyone left to kill the fleas........
A final word: A few years ago; I did not believe in any conspiracy theories. My brain would not compute the fact that we have had wicked men and women governing this great nation. I had many warning signs along the way; but chalked it up as little flare-ups of dysfunctional government and got past it. Well, Wikileaks and much research has changed my innocent perception of our governing forces. If you care to delve into any of this....google these subjects:
Wikileaks - Pizzagate, Spirit Cooking, John Podesta, George Soros, Luciferian Hollywood
A person can go as deep as they like. I have searched to connect the dots as I value knowing the truth. I don't know how "knowing" can help other than to cause one to pray for this nation and for the evil to be exposed and prosecuted. My hope is in God Almighty and His son Jesus Christ who died for our sins so we could spend eternity with him. We will all die. We will all stake our flag of faith in unknown ground. Where are you staking your flag?
Matthew 24:37-39
Matthew 24:37-39King James Version (KJV)
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.